Owner's Panel (Growing a Business)
Interlocken C
Wednesday, January 31, 11:15 AM12:30 PM
Josh Byrd
Footprints Floors - Nashville
Scott Ogburn
Footprints Floors - Virginia
Adnan Alhaider
Footprints Floors Metro Detroit
JOSH BYRD: Business Growth/Employee Retention
Employee retention is vital to your business. It is the key to expanding your business and sustaining that consistent growth over time. But, how do you keep employees engaged, motivated, and excited about long-term goals? I will share what has worked for me and how I have taken my business to the next level.
SCOTT OGBURN: Training New Employees
Some tips and pointers on what to do and not do after you've hired your employees.
ADNAN ALHAIDER: The Power of People: How Hiring Can Make or Break Your Business Growth
Synopsis Coming Soon