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Tips to Use Instagram More Effectively in Scottsdale / Mesa

Posted on Jun 1st 2020


Tips to Use Instagram More Effectively in Scottsdale / Mesa

Noah Olson // June 1, 2020

It wasn't too long ago that social media was non-existent, people spoke face to face, and kids actually played games outside (without their iPhones). Today, social media platforms like Instagram have taken the world by storm growing massive user bases and in turn, creating opportunities for large and small businesses alike to capitalize on large audiences.While Instagram's algorithm can be confusing and hard to understand at times, there is still a lot of value to be gained from the proper use of its platform by businesses.

You Don't Have to be a Pro to Take Photos Like One

With the advent of smartphones came the advent of smartphone cameras. Todays business owners, including Footprints Floors franchise owners have the unique advantage of a professional grade camera in their pockets. A few things to keep in mind when taking pictures for your social media posts: Keep things in the frame simple and well lit, no one likes dark and convoluted pictures. Make sure there are no blemishes on the product you're photographing (remove rags, cords, etc.). Try to avoid using the digital zoom feature on your phone camera as this will make your photos grainy. Lastly, do not over edit your photos by adding filters, words/logos and or frames, this is the most common mistake we see among small business social media accounts.

Take Advantage of Tags

Think of Instagram like a web, where the more accounts you tag (that are related to your post) the bigger your web will be, and the more exposure your post will get. Tag anything and everything you can think of in your photo, the accounts for the company that makes the stain, the company that sells the floors, the homeowner, etc. by tagging as many accounts as possible (remember, related to your photo) you are exposing more people to your account and your business.

Hashtags, Hashtags, Hashtags

Just like tagging other people and accounts in your photos helps widen your accounts web of influence, so too does using as many hashtags as possible (the limit on Instagram is 30). In order to avoid cluttering your caption and making your post seem ugly, it is always better to hashtag in a comment on your post rather than in the post itself. To help you hashtag like a social media pro, here is a list of 30 flooring related hashtags for you to copy and paste right away:

#FootprintsFloors #flooring #interiordesign #design #homedecor #interior #floor #renovation #tile #architecture #carpet #home #construction #tiles #floors #flooringideas #decor #flooringinstallation #interiors #wood #vinyl #homedesign #woodflooring #kitchen #homeimprovement #hardwoodfloors #laminateflooring #woodfloors #hardwood #refinishing

Engage Your Audience

Lastly, the whole point of your social media accounts is to expose your business to new potential customers right? In order to do that, you are going to need to engage with them. Try following people in your franchise area, comment and like posts, and always reply to the comments of others on your posts.

Social Media is Difficult, We're Here to Help

If you have questions, comments, or even need some help editing a photo for your one of your accounts, do not hesitate to email us here.

Noah Olsen the Author of this blog and Marketing Manager at Footprints Floors

About the Author

Hi! My name is Noah Olson and I'm blessed to be apart of the Footprints family as the Marketing Manager. I am passionate about our mission to put customers first and create an impeccable reputation in the flooring industry. I also love writing for and talking about Footprints Floors. Questions, comments, ideas? Email me here.
